Damage Repair

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If after a battle your fleet has one or more ship types listed in red in the Fleet Composition tile, then you have taken damage. Click on a red ship name to display how much damage has been done. 

Ship repair restores the armor value, at an annual percentage based on the ship's location:

Ship location

Annual rate

Moving through space.


Stopped in space.


Orbiting but not bombing an opponent's planet.


Orbiting a planet you own, with a space dock.


Orbiting a planet you own, with a starbase but not a space dock.


Orbiting a planet you own that doesn't have a starbase:


Orbiting a planet you're bombing.

no repair

Stopped or orbiting, with at least one Fuel Transport hull in the fleet.

additional 5%

Stopped or orbiting, with at least one Super Fuel Xport hull in the fleet.

additional 10%

For example, a ship with a base of 25 damage points (dp) plus armor with a value of 75 dp has a maximum armor value of 100 dp. It takes 10 dp of damage, it would take 2 years in deep space, or one year in orbit, to fully repair the armor.

If you're orbiting an opponent's planet and your fleet has Attack orders, repairs will not happen. Repairs also do not occur when a fleet is using a stargate.

During the years the starbase is under attack, the fleet will be repaired as if the starbase was not present.

Fuel Transport/XPort Hull Advantage

Notice that the table shows an advantage of using the Fuel Transport and Xport hulls: they repair other ships in the fleet, as well as collecting fuel. You only need one Fuel Transport hull in the fleet to gain the 5% increase in the repair rate, or one Super Fuel Xport to see a 10% increase. Adding extra Transport or Xport hulls doesn't increase the rate. And you always see the gain provided by the more advanced hull. Thus, if you have both Fuel Transport and Super Fuel Xport hulls in the same fleet, you gain only the 10% increase provided by the Super Fuel Xport hull.

Starbase Repair

For ordinary players, starbases are repaired at a rate of 10% a year. For players with the Inner Strength trait, starbases are repaired at 15% a year.